New work in progress...a glimpse of what's upcoming
Here are a few pieces I had hidden away at the Culture Crawl that were in progress and therefore not on display. I pulled them out for a few close friends and students to see and I thought I'd give you a sneak peak here to see what I'm excited about working on this new year...
OK, if I was photoshop savy I'd totally take the geeky image of myself out here but never mind me this painting is way so cool and very thick, full of waxy layers of white and light torquoise inspired by Sarah' Mclaghlan's version of Song for winter's Night. It'll change again from this picture but the process sure is fun. Lots of sanding and removal and then pouring more layers!
Man, I've been working on this painting wayyy too long. I'll be glad when it's done..but currently it still doesn't feel complete so I shall preservere until I know its done!
I love this painting and its been so close to finished for a couple of years now but I know it's still not totally there. Its so hard to work on a piece that is so beautiful....I hope I can get the courage and finish it up!
Ohhhh, this is by far my favourite, You can't tell now, but there is some super cool textures going on underneath the yellow that i will be revealing....I can't wait to see what this painting becomes!
back to the studio.....