The end of November marked the first Collage Creations workshop to run. We had a small group and enjoyed my home studio with the beautiful view of east vancouver - lots of light- and each participant had their own table to spread out and make a beautiful creative messes! Here's a look of what we did...

Yarn, collage papers, bicycles, horses ... no limit collage art!

We practiced gold leaf. Here's my gold leaf moon on a practice piece.

Beautiful messes of art in process. Love all the colours, textures and papers!

We made unique hand made journal covers from the white craft paper that covered our tables during the weekend and took our spills and drips.

Stained tissue papers, split ink, stamping...
Staining with india ink and acrylic inks

Our letters and lazertran project...layers of paint, old letters, gel medium, inks, and special image printed on clear lazertran paper as a focal point for the collage project.

My letteres project in process.

Dipping the dry printed image on lazertran paper into warm water to let the back peel off.

Hannah soaking her lazertran paper (warm water)

The start of a stained tissue paper colllage with inda ink and stamps.

Split ink technique on hot press paper with stained tissue papers using liquid acrylics.

Debbie hard at work/play.

A myriad of collage and round papers ready for use.

Full view of studio.

Deb's tissue paper collage piece in process. Rocks are so useful to prevent the light tissue paper pieces from blowing away!

Hannah working away.

Watching Deb demo.

Integrating old Little Gems from the Energizing and Experimental workshop into new collage work!

So much fun with many layers and adding gold paint pen embellishments to add some zing!
Hand printed words and PITT pen india ink scribblings added to layers of collage.
Want to do it? Next workshop runs in March 2012. details at -->workshops. "Collage Creations" see you then.