Your life is your art
/Happy New Year 2016!
Over this past year and recently to prepare for the Goals Workshop I am co-facilitating later this month here in Kitsilano, Vancouver, BC I have been reading The Desire Map by Danille La Porte. This book is special because it's not just about setting goals, it starts to tap into the deeper drive of why we set goals: to feel a certain way. In the journey of the book and its adjoining workbook we get to know ourselves at a feeling level and start to discover why we want certain things. Most often we want certain things and desire specific goals in order to feel a certain way. Danielle gets us to the bottom of things and encourages us to determine our top four desired feelings. In realizing that we are predominantly desiring to feel these top 4 feelings... For example, these could be : Appreciation, Peace, Freedom and Creativity.
That being said, I loved this quote from the book “Your life is your art. When you make tough choices in favor of your soul, you’re making a masterpiece of your existence.” and so I placed it on an art piece I made last year.
The artwork in the background is entitled Freedom 60" x 40" x 1.5" Mixed Media on Canvas and is on display, available for purchase, and located downtown Vancouver, BC at Unit #1115 (11th Floor) 555 Burrard Street (Bentall Tower 2). You can make an appointment to see it and a number of other large original pieces by contacting Tarasch Rawjee (604) 306-4912 /