Yesterday morning I had the pleasure of meeting with the set up crew of
Artists in Our Midst downtown Yaletown at the beautiful Roundhouse Community Center to help set up for our big event that opens TODAY at 11 am.
Event Details Click Here. You are welcome, Admission is free.
I had such a great time helping set up that I wanted to share with you the 'behind the scenes process' of setting up for a big show like this through photos and a few comments.
The thought, time, organization, and energy that it has taken to put this show together is incredible. But behind all the hammers, nails, sweat, and magnificent paintings are some of the most amazing hard working high integrity fun loving artists I have ever had the chance to work with. I feel very blessed to part of this group and participating in this show.
Yesterday, while setting up, I had such a feeling of being a part of something great, being a part of a group of fantastic people. I felt belonging, appreciation, and a sense of fun in the process.
I will be working at the Reception Desk today from 2 - 5 pm, come by and say hello. then at 7 PM the booze will flow and the opening night party begins... See you there.

The beautiful red brick Roundhouse community Center is in the heart of Yaletown right on the water. You could not imagine a more beautiful building and setting.

Maria helps put signs up!

Busy bees working, working putting up art, organizing artists, getting art up on the panels...

Deborah Bakos - our wonderful curator and fearless leader moves some beautiful abstract pieces to make the presentation just right. The caliber of art coming in blew me away. It will be a feast for the eyes to see this final show!!!

A little to the right, Deb (!!)

Great tool box.

Getting name tags to the right art. Labels look fantastic.

Shelly Freeman's stunning abstract piece. I am in loooove with the colours here. Great work Shelly!

Art being placed ready for hanging.

Manola finding that perfect place for her glass piece. This art pieces is A-Must-See. Look for the trees!!!

Barry, our AIOM president making sure everything is running smoothly

Setting up and enjoying the process.

More art awaits to be hung.

60 Artists name tags ready to go. First name matched with last name and all alphabetized.
Go team!

The ceiling are so high at the Roundhouse Gallery... They brought in these cool elevator type machines so we could hang art from up high. way cool.

Eva, smiling away, taking care of paperwork, labels and lists. Check out her 3 framed photographs on display....The third piece is very moving.....Look for the barbed wire.
Looking gorgeous girls!
See you all tonight!