Over Christmas my girlfriend Melanie got herself a copy of ‘The Universe Has Your Back’ by Gabrielle Bernstein.
I got SO excited when I heard the title - I felt like I HAD to read it!
In the new year, when I was over at Mel’s place visiting and asked her If I could please borrow her copy. She was reluctant to part with it. I could see all the underlines and highlights and I could tell that she wasn’t ready to let it go. I was thinking that this book must be that good… Now I was willing to go to extra lengths to get a hold of it!
I had already checked my local library but the book was so new it hadn’t been acquired yet. So I went online that night and ordered myself a copy.
A month or so later, I finished reading this book and now I’m inspired to share with you the three most significant take-aways I got from within its pages.
(The other motivation I have in writing this, is to refer back to it myself when I want to remember some key points from the book, without having to re-read the whole thing!)
First, and my most favourite take-aways from this book, are the little powerful prayers that Gabrielle says to the Universe and gives to us in an effort to support us in living a life guided and inspired from love instead of fear.
“Thank you, Universe for transforming this current limitation, doubt, and fear into creative possibilities.”
“Thank you, Universe for helping me see beyond my limitations. Thank you for expanding my perceptions so I can attract
.” (X = whatever you are currently desiring)
“ Thank you, Universe for helping me see this obstacle as an opportunity. I will step back and let you lead the way.”
(I just LOVE this one. If you follow me on
you’ll know that yesterday’s video blog was all about an obstacle/opportunity that I experienced with some studio visitors whose favourite word seemed to be ‘NO’ when looking through my art inventory and some techniques I use to handle rejection.)
“Universe, thank you for helping me find joy in this situation.”
“Universe, let me see this person for the first time.”
“I recognize I have chosen this thought wrongly, I forgive this thought, and I choose again. I choose thoughts based in love.”
“I recognize I have chosen fear, and I choose again. I choose love. “
“ Today I surrender my goals and plans to the care of the Universe. I offer up my agenda and accept spiritual guidance. I trust that there is a plan far greater than mine. I know that where there once was lack and limitation there are spiritual solutions and creative ideas. I step back and let love lead the way. Thy will be done.”
(this one is one of my top favs.)
These prayers are a beautiful way to getting back on track when we loose our connection to Source and forget how loved and supported we truly are.
Secondly, Ms. Bernstein asks us some wonderful and powerful questions in this book.
I love great questions because they can truly shape our perception and our created reality. There is an entire chapter in
Awaken the Giant Within
by Tony Robbins about how this works and the power of asking ourselves good questions.
How will I face fear with a miracle mindset?
Will I learn through fear or love?
What if I chose for this to be fun?
How can I truly enjoy my work and be of service to my customers?
What would your life be like if you knew you were always being guided?
And, thirdly, I found some deep wisdom in
The Universe Has Your Back
that really inspired me in living my life from a place of strength and trust:
“My true power is in the love and peace within me.”
“Trust would settle every problem, now.”
“The key to living in peace is surrender.”
“Freedom from fear is true healing.”
“ Our happiness is a direct reflection of how quickly we can restore our fear back to love.
“Notice how you are controlling your experiences and misaligning with the flow of the Universe.”
(This one really spoke to me today! I was having a Surrender Day today in which I had set bunch of guidelines - aka controls - for myself that listed as no tv, no computer, no phone, no “work” for the day; in an aim to meditate, feel, and be with myself.
I gave myself the one exception from these “guidelines”, however, of reading.
As my day evolved, it turns out I finished this book, excitement came over me, and I
to write this blog! ! !
Actually, I’d gone to such an extent to create this Surrender Day a certain way, that I had asked my husband to hide my computer! So, when my daughter came home from school, we went around the house hunting for my computer so I could write this blog!
That being all said, I’m feeling a ton of joy in writing and sharing this all with you, so I’m surrendering and trusting that this is all on purpose! )
“Instead of obsessing over a certain outcome, focus on how you would like to feel.”
(Well, going back to the above Surrender Day, if I were to consider this piece of wisdom, I would know that I wanted to feel at peace, grounded, fulfilled, trusting, thriving, happy, restful and content. I could choose to feel and create these feelings this regardless if what I did or didn’t do.)
“Remember, there’s no thing wrong with dreams, visions, and desires as long as you’re willing to surrender them.”
(Point taken Gaby, thank you. :-))
I can now see why my friend Mel wanted to keep her book close to her! We all need to feel that the universe has our back and that we are loved and supported. I am grateful for the prayers, questions, and wisdom imparted. I am grateful for my friend Mel for telling me about this book. And I thank Gabrielle Bernstein for listening to her guidance and writing this book. #gratitude
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